The film starts with Thor in an underworld environment. He joins his father, Odin, and brother, Loki, and discovers that the planet, Asgard, is in danger.

An evil woman, named Hela, gains so much power and puts the whole planet in danger as she becomes a tyrant.

Thor is forced to enter another planet, called Sakar—filled with trash, messed-up people, and cannibals. The Grandmaster imprisons him.

Not long after, an old man with several scissors as hands cuts Thor’s hair before he fights the Hulk inside a stadium. Meanwhile, Asgard is falling apart. It takes time for Thor to convince others to trust him and do everything he can do to save his planet.

The film kept my interest in viewing it as I constantly wondered what would happen next. But I found some things disappointing, especially if the characters’ experiences happened to me, too.

One example is when Thor had his long hair chopped off. I actually have a super-painful memory of me experiencing my hair cut too short back in 2012. I felt extra sorry for Thor’s hair to be cut and right after that, the crowd booing at him. At least the scissors guy let Thor keep his beard.

As for the eye-removal, something satisfying relating to it happened in the Avengers film with all the Marvel characters. I won’t say what, though.

Hela abused her power and wickedness. I couldn’t even have just the tiniest amount of sympathy for her, which made her lack believability.

Maybe she has a tragic backstory and wasn’t always malicious. But pure evil villains are too stereotypical, cliched, lazy, and don’t meet standards for stories in times when people have better understandings of others. There is no such thing as an individual who is 100% sinister.

The Grandmaster expressed his dictating in a way that no one could have expected. He did not yell—rather, he kept his tone of voice calm and presented himself as a “good” person. I think that’s more creative than the approach to developing Hela.

Loki possessed malevolent traits, too, such as acting like he didn’t know Thor. Yet, Thor didn’t give up on his goals to stop his planet from collapsing.

I rate Thor: Ragnarok 3.5 out of 5 stars. I will also admit that many parts made me laugh. I can’t remember what, though, since I haven’t seen the movie since 2017. However, I don’t know if I want to rewatch it.

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