Whether it’s the first installment from 1964, with Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins, or the sequel from 2018 with Emily Blunt as the same titular character, both films teach valuable lessons.

Find the fun in the job (1964 film)

During the scene where the playroom (or nursery, which is what the characters call it) is messy, and Jane and Michael have to tidy it up, Mary Poppins teaches the two that cleaning doesn’t have to bore them. So, she tells them to find the fun in the job. Then the job is a game. More is explained in the song, “A Spoonful of Sugar.”

This moral could apply to us real people. Who says that chores have to be painful?

Unless you’re being punished (If you’re a child reading this), you can play music, watch videos, or listen to anything entertaining while you work around the house. I’ve also listened to music and viewed videos at my dad’s office while performing tasks, like scanning, at the same time.

Don’t spill secrets others don’t want you to know (both films)

Mary Poppins does not like it when others, especially Jane, Michael, or Michael’s children in the sequel, discuss her wizardry. They have to learn to respect her demands.

This lesson is an obvious no-brainer in real life. If someone does not wish to share something with you, you shouldn’t pressure them to. Nor should you really learn them.

Fun fact: There is a Harry Potter fan theory that states that Mary Poppins is a witch who lives in the same universe as J.K. Rowling’s wizarding world. It’s unique and creative, but I don’t think it’s true. The first Mary Poppins film came out before J.K. Rowling was born.

“A Cover is Not the Book” song (2018 sequel)

Although everybody judges books by their covers when shopping for them (whether it’s at bookstores or online), the moral of this song is that what is outside doesn’t matter as much as what’s inside.

This could apply to many situations, such as how people look, act when you first meet them, how buildings appear, and much more.

The quicker you’re into it, the quicker you’re out (2018 sequel)

Part of the song, “A Cover is Not the Book,” Mary Poppins makes a good point to Jack (the equivalent to Burt in the first movie) when he states that a certain example in the musical number is too long. The sooner you start something, the sooner you’ll be done with it.

This could apply to our tasks in real life, including, but not limited to:

  • Chores
  • Homework
  • Projects (for school or work)
  • Even leisure activities


Every story includes, at least, one moral or lesson. But I must appreciate how the Mary Poppins movies communicated lots of them, aside from the ones that I agree with the most, listed here.

Do you have any favorite moments from these films that taught you valuable life lessons?

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