The story begins with a young man, Cole, walking through a party, where he demands to see his brother, Duckett. However, Duckett gets out of control and stabs Cole. Then he kills himself.

The next switches to Mia, a teenage girl who misses her deceased mother, especially since it’s the second anniversary of when she died. She and a bunch of her other peers are getting ready for a party.

But meanwhile, Riley and Jade’s (friends of Mia) mom doesn’t approve of the party. Jade, however, lies and says that there isn’t a party happening. She and Riley sneak out to the party.

There, the guests play a game where they use a magical hand and say, “Talk to me.” A dead person appears and then the person holding the enchanted hand says, “I let you in.” That causes the deceased person to possess them. Then someone blows out the candle, and the player is back to normal.

Mia is the first player. Despite the bizarre happening during the game, everyone has fun holding the hand, bringing back a dead being, and being possessed. However, things take a turn for the worse when Riley is not only possessed, but he also hurts himself to the point where he bleeds a lot.

Riley is then taken to the hospital. Mia wants to see him. But Jade and her mother demand that she leaves. If that doesn’t upset her enough, she starts seeing ghouls–but no one else can see them. Everyone considers Mia crazy and won’t believe her when she says that she saw dead people.

Mia’s mom is also one of the ghouls and she tells her that her death was unintentional. She then tells her that she has to save Riley.

But as Mia suffers more from seeing the dead, she drives others crazy with her actions. And everybody turns on her.

Will Mia be able to save Riley? Or will he die?

I have to admit that this movie was very mild for the horror genre. A lot of the scenes are not scary at all. In fact, the beginning was funny at times. One example is when Mia and Jade are singing along to Sia’s song, “Chandelier” in a car. 

But despite the film being very mild and occasionally funny, the second half became boring. There were some scenes that were a bit scary, and even gross (which isn’t surprising for a horror movie), but I felt that the characters’ interactions turned dull. Even though the tension increased as they got mad at Mia, there wasn’t much in the way of variations in their ways of speaking.

I actually found the character development to be quite weak. They all sounded pretty much the same. I understand that the dialogue needs to remain important to the story. But I wish the characters had more distinct personalities.

They also weren’t believable at times. One example is when they play the “Talk to me” game. When Mia is first possessed, the others don’t really react. They seem to be totally okay with it as if it were no big deal.

If I saw someone getting possessed by an evil spirit and talking like the wicked being that took over their body, I would freak out like crazy. I guess that’s just a form of movie logic in order to tell the story. Still–I think there needs to be more credibility to some degree.

That being said, I did feel sorry for Mia. One scene where I particularly felt bad for her was when Jade and her mom forced her to leave and not see Riley in his hospital room. Jade and Riley’s mother also threatened to call the authorities if Mia returned.

As with any movie, twists and turns occur, although some of them felt random and out-of-place. Overall, Talk to Me ended up being so-so for me. There is going to be a sequel, according to Wikipedia, which I may or may not consider seeing. There were some loose ends during certain scenes. So, if the beginning of the sequel draws me in, I will see it.

I give this movie 3 out of 5 stars.

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