Throughout history, films were given ratings based on the standards for when they were released. Certain content that was considered suitable for all ages decades before the 21st century would be for more mature audiences today (as of 2024).

And that is what this post is about.

Below are my top picks for G-Rated movies that would be at least PG now:

1: Muppets Treasure Island (1996)

I used to watch this movie when I was 9. At that time, I found it pretty scary due to some dark moments. I was surprised when I discovered that the movie is rated G. 

Although movies about the Muppets are generally kid-friendly and lighthearted, I personally think a PG rating would have been more suitable. If the movie were released today, it would probably be at least PG, especially since movies with dark content aren’t exactly child-friendly for today’s standards.

This is definitely a peculiar rating for a movie released in the 90s.

2: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)

A lot of people believe that this movie would be rated PG if it were released today. There are a lot of religious elements and moments as well as some dark scenes. There are also uses of the words, God and Hell, something that wouldn’t be acceptable for any movie that is intending to be rated G. 

However, The Hunchback of Notre Dame only got rated G because Disney was worried that any rating above that would have threatened their box office.

Aside from religious elements, scary moments, and some violence, there are some scenes where Quasimodo sniffs Esmeralda’s hair. And some say that it is too suggestive for a family-friendly movie. 

3: Fiddler on the Roof (1971)

Unlike the previous two on the list, this movie came out more than a decade before the PG-13 rating was introduced. So, at that time, films were only rated PG if they had content such as mature language or even some minor sexual content. 

Since Fiddler on the Roof did not contain that type of material, it was able to receive a G rating. However, for today’s standards, there is content that isn’t exactly suitable for young children. 

Some of the moments that are too mature for little kids include:

  • Heavy religious elements
  • Some intense forms of prejudice
  • Military violence
  • Drinking

There is also the fact that a lot of material may be harder for younger kids to understand. In fact, some people say that this film is best suited for those 10 and up. 

4: Gone with the Wind (1939)

This movie would be rated at least PG-13 today. There is a lot of content that is not appropriate for kids at all.  

Examples include:

  • War violence
  • Bloody moments 
  • Racist portrayals of certain characters (but that was typical at the time of the movie’s release)
  • Minor sexual and suggestive content

The film rating system was actually introduced in 1968. Before that, there was The Hays Code, which placed rules on what movies could and could not show.

They forbade content such as profanity, nudity, and graphic violence. Gone with the Wind doesn’t contain any of that.

But, as you can tell by what it does contain, it isn’t appropriate for kids.


Just like with anything, no person is perfect when it comes to rating movies. And you never know–something that is okay to be rated G today might not be that way in 50 years or so.

Do you agree with my top picks? Let me know in the comments if you wish. 

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