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FBI Agent Sarah Ashburn is investigating a house where two men are hiding guns. They get in trouble for it.

Not long after, Sarah is sent away to Boston to continue her job. Meanwhile, this woman, Det. Shannon Mullins, is giving a hard time to this young man, Levy, who is a local drug dealer. She chases him in her vehicle.

At some point, Sarah meets Det. Mullins, while she is questioning Levy. Although their first meeting doesn’t go very well, Sarah agrees to work with Mullins.

At a bar, they put a bug on a phone that belongs to a troubled guy named Simon Larkin. Later, they discover that there is a surveillance camera in the apartment of a woman who knows Jason. She angrily asks them to leave several times.

Later Sarah asks Mullins to go to her parents’ house to find out more about Jason. But they get mad at Mullins for arresting her own brother. Jason also points out to Mullins about a dead body in a local paint factory. 

While there, Mullins and Sarah witness someone being murdered. The killer is named Julian Vincent. 

That evening, the two women go to a nightclub and meet with the manager. He explains Julian’s actions and then Sarah and Mullins understand.

But the next day, Julian escapes from custody and becomes a threat to Mullins and her family.

I saw bits of this movie a while before rewatching it. It was funny then and a little bit funny again. I did laugh at times.

Unfortunately, the second time I watched it, it didn’t really please me. One reason was because the movie was hard to follow. A lot of action and violence played a role in that.

The conflict also wasn’t as strong as I’d like, not even with all the swearing. Mullins was meant to be very foul-mouthed. But her language still didn’t enhance the tension.

There are also a few moments in the club scene that I felt were a bit too much for me, such as some physical contact between Sarah and a man she was dancing with. I know this is rated R, so things like that can happen there.

This film is more toward the explicit end of the R-rating due to the excessive amount of cursing. I don’t know if anyone under 17 should really watch this–unless they’re super mature for their ages.

Overall, The Heat didn’t really work out for me. It got mixed and positive reviews by many. But I couldn’t consider it a good movie due to the flaws I stated.

I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars.

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