Disney is not only known for their unforgettable movies, characters, songs, and theme parks, but also recycling their animation. In other words, there are scenes in different films where the angles and character movements are reused.

For example, in 1970’s The Aristocats, during the musical number, “Everybody Wants to be a Cat,” there is that brief moment where all the cats dance. Dutchess dances in a certain way that Maid Marian would do from the same exact angle 3 years later in the movie, Robin Hood.

Disney recycled different animation angles and character movements because it saved time and money. But this was mainly done during the 20th century. I don’t think they do that anymore, especially since it’s easier to edit scenes in CG-animated films, compared to traditional hand-drawn ones.

One thing I noticed that not many might have is that certain plot elements were recycled too–sort of. The ideas changed a bit with these movies I am about to list Pinocchio, Beauty and the Beast, and Lilo and Stitch.

Pinocchio – Having to prove himself a certain way to achieve his transformation

After Geppetto wishes for his wooden puppet, Pinocchio, to be a real boy, the Blue Fairy “grants” his wish. She brings Pinocchio to life–but still as a puppet. He also yearns to be a real boy. However, the Blue Fairy insists that he proves himself brave, truthful, and unselfish. 

Beauty and the Beast – The beast having to love another, and receiving her love in return by the time the last rose petal falls in order to turn back into a human

Despite having everything he wanted, the prince mistreated others. One night, an old beggar lady requested that he offered her shelter in exchange for a rose. But he demanded she leave. Then she revealed herself as a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to apologize to her, but she wouldn’t forgive him. As a way to punish him, she turned him into a monstrous beast and his servants into household items and furniture. The rose happened to be an enchanted one whereas the petals fell, the amount of time decreased for the beast to love a girl, and for her to love him back in order to break the spell.

And that’s not all…

Belle is misunderstood and unpopular in her provincial village. When she first meets the beast, he is scary and animal-like. But after some time, the beast gets his act together and acts more civilized and kinder. The two develop a bond.

Remind you of a later movie?

Lilo and Stitch – A little girl who feels unliked gets a pet that is dangerous at first, but then a loyal friend to her

After chaos breaks out at her Luai class, Lilo wanders off. Her older sister, Nani, who is legally in charge of her since their parents died before the events of the movie, gets in trouble with CPS for that. She gets mad at Lilo for doing something so risky for a child her age, but later reciprocates. Lilo notices a “shooting star” and wishes that she had friends. Feeling sorry for her, Nani offers to get Lilo a dog.

While at the animal shelter, Lilo looks for a dog. She meets Stitch, who manages to say hi and hug her. However, he is actually vicious and perilous. Lilo still wants him since he talked to her.

Even though it’s tough, Lilo tries to teach Stitch to behave. But she still loves him, and he eventually wants to be her friend.

What do you notice?

What I notice is that Beauty and the Beast has both plot elements of Pinocchio and Lilo and Stitch. The beast has a goal similar to Pinocchio, and Belle has a goal reminiscent of Lilo’s. 

Do you find that interesting? Let me know in the comments if you’d like.

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