I enjoy watching different movies in various genres. I especially love animated ones, comedies, fantasies, and musicals.

I go to the movie theaters a lot, as well. But I do more than just review movies. I compose lists of different elements from them, post theories and mysteries, write film-related articles, and much more.

If you’re interesting in requesting a certain topic or guest posting, please email me at Sunayna(dot)Prasad(at)yahoo(dot)com. Note that I only post topics that I have strong feelings about. So, if I don’t publish a requested post, that means I don’t have enough strong feelings about the topic. I will let you know either way if I post the requested topic.

If you still want to contribute to the blog, even if I decide not to publish a requested post, you can offer to guest post.

Note that there are certain topics I won’t accept, which include:

  • Horror movies that are too scary
  • Documentaries (movies that tell stories in fictionalized formals that are based on real people or events are more than welcome, though)
  • Movies that I find too young (i.e. Any Sesame Street movie)

I hope you enjoy reading my posts. Commenting and/or subscribing would also be greatly appreciated.
